Light Play
Created & Performed by: Heidi Brewer and Sharon McCaman
Music: hundrede træer by Ed Carlson, Coming To by Rob Simonsen, Kids of Tibet by Kleintierschaukel, Tick of the Clock by Chromatics
Cinematography: Frank Ranieri, Savannah Linquist, Sharon McCaman, Heidi Brewer
Editors: Heidi Brewer and Sharon McCaman
Assistant Editors: Leon and Penny
Switcher Operator: Haven Griner
Frozen Angels
Choreography: Sarah Walston Phillips in collaboration with performers
Performers: Cynthia Clark, Baylie Dockins, Nicholas Garlo, Kate Gierke, Antonio Hernandez, Troy Martin, Makenzie McLean, Drew Travis Robinson, Sarah Walston Phillips
Music: Max Richter, Nils Frahm, Lobomyr Melnyk
Costumes: Sarah Walston Phillips and Cynthia Walston
Note: Frozen Angels is a work that is inspired by an exhibit of Greek figure sculptures at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. These works of art are on display in a room with windows on the ceiling that allow light to bathe them in a glorious manner, yet upon detailed inspection their cracks and imperfections become pronounced with shadow. This dance work embodies the breaking apart of these characters and their stories in an exploration of how myth and lore reveal truths about our human nature.
"iN tHEir miNd" an excerpt from "Journey to Freedom"
Choreographer/Director: Charlotte D. Johnson
Dancers: Katherine Smith, Tamoy Prawl, and Terrence Jamison
Spoken Word Poets: Diana “Di Nguyen” Nguyen and Raheem “Reality” Gordon
Musician: Vincent Sims (Guitarist)
Text written in collaboration with Diana Nguyen and Raheem Gordon inspired by the JTF cast members.
Music arranged by Vincent Sims
Visual Content arranged by Katherine Smith.
"iN tHEir miNd" highlights the reality of mental illness within our community, within those we love and within ourselves.
2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Choreography: Andee Scott for and with Helen French
Dancers: Helen French
Sound: Chihei Hatakeyama and Dustin O’Halloran
Costume: Terri Funaro
Listen Hold Listen hold listen hold…
Choreography: Robert Moses, for and with the dancers
Dancers: Bliss Kohlmyer and Andee Scott
Sound: Yoed Nir; Ada Limón’s “The Real Reason;” text by Robert Moses, Bliss Kohlmyer, and Andee Scott; Georgs Pelécis
Note: This is a portrait of these two women – their friendship, their support for one another, their challenging of each other, their quiet privy, and their shorthand ways. Being on the outside looking in, it is a rendering of tender, fierce, supportive, unrelenting sisterly womanly love.
Within. Without.
a journey through loss
this work is in dedication to: Mattie Lou Smith, Leviticus Taylor, Carolyn Smith, Josh Van Wagoner, and Aida Smith
choreography: alexander jones in collaboration with company artists
technical direction: marcus wehby
company management: sarah hamilton, emily curry
dancers: heidi brewer, talia demps, jonah perez-lopez, alexander jones, and kirsten standridge
music: Arvo Pärt “Fratres for Violin, String Orchestra and Percussion”
costumes: iky standridge
share. keep. throw.
take a deep breath.
let your body expand in your seat.
what are you thinking right now?
how does this experience
this moment
make your free?
what is coming up for you?
feel free to use this program as a way to collect your thoughts.
a brain dump.
a cloud holds the feelings floating inside you.
jot down on here.
share your thoughts
or keep them for yourself
throw them away
this is your time.
BEACON 2024 is made possible by the generous support of
Presenting Partner
Supporting Partners
Tom & Sally Baynard
Education Partner
Contributing Partner
John & Mary Ellen Collins